
Spring 2022

Interlude: an intervening period of time. A pause. A break.

 I often find myself wanting to freeze time to process and reflect on a given moment or event. Overwhelmed by the speed at which life unfolds, I long to encapsulate an instant without having to worry about the next change or crisis.

To me, the medium of fabric is inherently narrative. Its flexibility creates a nature of constant movement and change. Fabric celebrates this change and resists stagnation, but at the cost of losing the memory of the shapes it has held before. Through a process of encasing cloth in clay and firing it, I have frozen that movement and have invited moments of remembrance. I have paused the narrative and created a collection of moments that allow one to rest in their stillness so that they might be observed for longer than an instant.

Just as in all things, the pieces reflect the process of their making. As I attempted to freeze time, the pieces reacted to being moved against their nature of change. As a result, they are brittle, cracked, and flawed, contributing to the story of each piece. No moment in time is unflawed or precisely replicated. Each piece displays its progression and asks the viewer to reflect on both the moment they are viewing and how that moment was formed.